QuiDiQua, 8-10/11/23, Université de Lille

Quasiprobability distributions have played an important role in the development of quantum mechanics from its beginnings. The Wigner function, and more broadly, the Wigner-Weyl phase space formulation of quantum mechanics, were initially designed to provide an intuitive interpretation of quantum mechanics and its differences with classical mechanics. Together with the related P and Q functions, they have in addition played a crucial role in the development of quantum optics and continuous variable quantum information theory over the last few decades. Much more recently, the Kirkwood-Dirac quasiprobability distribution has come to the foreground as a tool in discrete variable quantum mechanics and quantum information theory, useful in a variety of studies, both foundational and applied. 

This workshop will bring together physicists and mathematicians studying all aspects of the use of quasiprobabilities in quantum mechanics and quantum optics, as well as of their recent applications in quantum information theory and quantum metrology.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Nonclassicality witnesses, measures and monotones
  • Entanglement witnesses, measures and monotones
  • Gaussian and non Gaussian quantum optics
  • Quantum metrology and parameter estimation
  • Contextuality
  • Weak measurement and weak values

Participation in the workshop is free, but registration is mandatory. Deadline on the 15th of October 2023.

A flash talk/poster session will be organized for PhD students and postdocs.

Some limited funding is available for the local expenses of PhD students and postdocs wishing to attend. 


New: The complete program is now available online (click on the titles to see the abstracts).


Invited speakers 

Mathieu ARNHEM (Palacky Olomouc)

David ARVIDSSON-SHUKUR (Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory)


Nicolas CERF (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Ulysse CHABAUD (INRIA - ENS Paris)

Justin DRESSEL (Chapman University)

Irénée FREROT (Paris)

Aaron Goldberg (Toronto)

Anaelle HERTZ (Toronto)

Andrew JORDAN (Rochester/Chapman) 

Christopher LANGRENEZ (Lille)

Jeff LUNDEEN (Ottawa)

Matteo PARIS (Milan)

Joao PRATA (Lisbon)

Tommaso ROSCILDE (ENS Lyon)

Jan SPERLING (Paderborn)


Batuhan YILMAZ (Toronto)



Stephan De Bièvre, Giuseppe Patera, Adam Rançon  




Université de Lille Laboratoire Paul Painlevé Laboratoire Phlam
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